昌江熱帶特色高效農業發展迅猛,已培育創建昌江芒果、霸王嶺山雞、王品冰糖蜜瓜、姜園聖女果、保平毛豆、烏烈羊等特色農業品牌,成功註冊農產品 「三品一標」19個,打造姜園村聖女果、好清村香水菠蘿、五大村哈蜜瓜、保平村毛豆等4個「一村一品」示範村。成功創建昌江歐蘭德毛豆和廣淩南繁產業園、 昌江王品哈密瓜產業園等5個省級現代農業產業園;擁有七叉芒果、昌化火龍果等10個熱作標準化生產示範園,在建共享農莊6家, 棋子灣花卉產業園、黎鄉花 海文化主題公園等一批花卉產業示範園區初具規模;太坡農產品加工倉儲物流園區逐步建設完善。
昌江圍繞「做強優勢產業、完善產業體系、強化科技支撐、開拓新興業態」的發展理念,以農業產業集群發展為導向,建設東南部現代生態農業及休閑農業發展集群、西北部現代熱帶高效農業及沿海漁業發展集群,構建以做強優勢特色產業為主導,以著力打造農產品加工物流業、海洋漁業為重點,以農、工、旅 融合業態為提升的產業發展格局,形成「一心、 一軸、兩帶、兩片區」的現代農業空間布局結構。
The cultivated land in Changjiang covers an area of 751,200 mu. It has atypical tropical monsoon climate with fertile land, sufficient light and moisture. Changjiang has excellent environmental resources, such as forest, ocean, river, wetland and other resource elements. It has favorable natural conditions for the development of tropical agricultural industry. With nearly 100,000 hectares of forest, the forest coverage rate reached 63.6 percent. With Changhua Port, Haiwei Port,Xingang and other natural fishing ports, it is rich in offshore Marine fishery resources and has huge potential for the development of marine fishery, creating favorable condtions for the construction of the whole agricultural industry chain. Changjiang is known as "the hometown of Mango", "the hometown of edamame", "the hometown of Cherry Tomatoes" and "the hometown of Bawangling pheasant".
The tropical featured and efficient agriculture in Changjiang is developing rapidly. It has cultivated and established such characteristic agricultural brands as Changjiang Mango, Bawangling pheasant, Wangpin sweet melon, Jiangyuan cherry tomatoes, Baoping edamame and Wulie Sheep, successfully registered 19 agricultural products with the standard of "Pollution-free agricultural products, green food, organic agricultural products and geographical indications of agricultural products", and built 4 "One village, one product" demonstration villages, including Jiangyuan cherry fruit, Haoqing perfumed pineapple, Wuda sweet melon and Baoping edamame. 5 provincial modern agricultural industrial parks have been successfully established, including Changjiang Olande edamame and Guangling Nanfan Industrial Park and Changjiang Wangpin Cantaloupe Industrial Park. It has 10 hot crop standardized production demonstration park, such as Qicha mango and Changhua Pitaya fruit, and 6 sharing farms are underconstruction. A number of demonstration parks for flower industry, such as Qizi Bay Flower Industrial Park and Lixiang Flower Paradise Culture Theme Park, have begun to take shape. Taipo agricultural product processing, warehousing and logistics park has been gradually improved.
Changjiang focuses on the development concept of "strengthening advantageous industries, improving industrial system, strengthening scientific and technological support, and exploring new business forms", it is guided by the development of agricultural industry clusters, building southeast modern ecological agricuture and leisure agriculture development clusters, northwest modern tropical efficient agriculture and coastal fishery development clusters, and building characteristic industries dominated by strengthening advantageous industries. It focuses on creating the agricultural product processing and logistics industry and marine fishery, and promotes the industrial development pattern with the integration of agriculture, industry and tourism, so as to form a modern agricultural spatial layout structure of "one center, one axis, two belts and two zones".